Dirty Chai
We have the Australians to blame! Or do we?
Rumour has it, an Australian barista made this drink in the early 00's as an entry drink for people who weren't yet into coffee. However, the rumourville at it's finest also claims an Indian traveller visiting the UK in the 90's asked for a Chai Latte only for the barista to accidently add a shot of espresso, the traveller enjoyed the drink and the rest is history.
This isn't for everyone but think coffee, with spice added to it and you get the picture.
How to make as a hot beverage
All of our doses are based on an 8oz cup size (standard 240ml)
For each cup size smaller or larger, simply add 1/2 a teaspoon less or more.
Coffee Machine Required
You will most likely need a coffee machine to make proper espresso style shots for this drink, or something like a Nespresso machine would work. We haven't tried it with instant coffee but we suspect the outcome won't be too great, happy to be proven wrong.
Easy Steam
Fill a pitcher (jug) with your milk of choice and add 2 full teaspoons (11g) of Blendsmiths Spicy Chai blends to your milk. Heat to the ideal temperature - for reference, if the jug becomes too hot for your hand, it'll be too hot for your mouth.
Add a shot of espresso to the cup of spicy milk, stir and serve. Add a second shot of espresso if you like it stronger.
Milk Frother
Milk frothers are amazing kitchen tools and relatively inexpensive. Again, simply add your milk of choice to the frother and 2 full teaspoons (11g) of Blendsmiths Spicy Chai blends. Press the heat button and wait until ready.
Once poured, add a shot of espresso to the cup of spicy milk, stir and serve. Add a second shot of espresso if you like it stronger.
The non-traditonal way but the quickest way. Simply add your milk of choice to a cup and 2 full teaspoons (11g) of Blendsmiths Spicy Chai blends. Place in microwave and heat for between 20 - 30 seconds.
Did you know? We take the black tea ingredient out of our chai blends to keep them caffeine free. With so much incredible quality de-caf coffee around these days, we recommend going for a complete caffeine free Dirty Chai.